Sunday, February 16, 2014

Alice in Wonderland Inspired Prom Dress

This one took me a while because it was made in the middle of school and balancing that work load was pretty tough, but it was definitely worth all the time put in. I love tutu's and corsets and thought putting both together would make the perfect "me" dress for prom!

It was first inspired my the newest version of the movie Alice in Wonderland. I loved Alice's "Um" dress and wanted to create my own crazy colorful dress similar to it. I was aiming for a more unique bright dress rather than something pretty and "breathtaking", so I think it ended quite well!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mario Blanket

Well, I'm no quilter so I'll just call this one a blanket. But it's an 8-bit Mario design with random edges (that part was on purpose) and the flip side is a pac-man fleece blanket I bought somewhere at the mall. It's nice and warm ^^

Nelly the Narwhal

So I can't say this is the first thing I've made, but this little plumpy narwhal is something I really love. It didnt take too long to make, but making the horn straight was probably the hardest part (hence why it's still crooked til this day) :P But I sewed canvas on the bottom and wrote in a Dr. Seuss quote I love! Here's some pics:

He's a little flat because my boyfriend uses him as a pillow, but its all good, a little more stuffing would do the trick :)