My 3 year anniversary with my boyfriend recently passed and I wanted to incorporate something cute since all the gifts I got him were pretty random; I figured one could never go wrong with cute presentation, especially if its like a lift the flaps game :D
I work at Jo-Ann Fabrics so we get a lot of boxes and a lot if cardboard dividers within those boxes, which helped in making this :) Uhm.. the dividers kinda looked like this: (and you place them upside down at 90 degree angles to have them stay up and stuff)
My beautiful drawing |
I put them all in a box to make the compartments different sizes and it worked out pretty well. I got some labels, scrapbook paper, a glue stick, tacky glue, and very hefty scissors to cut the cardboard.
After I made the compartment sizes, I cut out the "flaps" which was cutting the cardboard to be as big as the compartment + some extra space to glue the back to the box.
They're a little flimsy, but the box doesn't need to last forever!
As you can see from the picture above, I covered the cardboard BEFORE I glued the flap to the box, it helped the hassle alot. Oh yeah, tacky glue worked wonders with this project.
Afterwards came the decorating. As you should all know, I completely SUCK at painting, I am the messiest human being alive and me + paint = disaster. Yet, pinterest gave me some pretty good pointers :) I used the eraser side of a pencil, dipped it in paint, and made the polka dots on the side of the box (and to make the heart).
Then I painted the cover of the box, I thought this was going to be impossible until I found this blog on Pinterest:
It taught me how to do any lettering and make it look absolutely amazing as you can see
Just follow that tutorial and you'll be good to go :)
When the flaps were all done, it came out looking not to shabby if ya ask me!
Each label was like a little hint as to what was in the flap, but not enough to give it away...
So it would pretty much be "I love you for:
your quirkiness ( i got him a wax vac because theyre cool in a way),
simply being you (home baked cookies because the way to a guy's heart is always through food :P),
always thinking things through (a shower curtain with the world map on it because why not think more in the shower),
always doing your best (books because he's studying English),
always wanting to solve problems (a 2x2 rubiks cube), and
what you like, dislike, and everything in between (I got him the spray smellies for men from bath & body works).
Welp, I hope this idea works for one of you out there and helps you out when you need ideas for that special someone or really any gift in general! Good luck ;)